Designer Wall Panel Systems

Designing the interior of a building successfully demands that you juggle a couple of different priorities. On the one hand, you want the space to look great. It should be comfortable and welcoming for all who use it. At the same time, creating such a space needs to be affordable, given the budget at hand. With the designer wall panel systems from Stylecast, you can have the best of both worlds.

More Than a Pre-Fab Option

Some designers will go running in the other direction at the thought of using a “system” to complete a space. A good designer wants to bring his or her own vision to life, and that is usually not possible when using something that has been replicated over and over again.

The beauty of picking designer wall panels from Stylecast is that we offer completely custom options. With so many finishes and textures available, you will be able to select something that perfectly matches up with what you have in mind for the project at hand. With our tiles, you can create a space you are proud of without having to blow through your budget.

Bedroom with stylecast tiles

The Flexibility of Aluminum

Many people are surprised to find just how versatile aluminum can be from a design perspective. If you are thinking of aluminum as a cold, industrial material that is only good for finishing large spaces in a bland manner, you need to take a fresh look. With a supplier like Stylecast Tiles, you can explore countless colors and textures.

stylecast® is exceptionally easy to apply, even in the case of customized solutions.

Along with the great visual appeal that our tiles provide, you are also sure to be impressed by the performance benefits they offer. With such a light overall weight, it won’t take much to secure these tiles into place. Plus, when they are in place, you can plan on receiving many years of durable performance, without any loss of beauty.



The collections native and glamour arose in co-operation with
architect and designer Hadi Teherani


The Native Collection

Nature specifies the structure.
Primal and pure.

Native. Archaic and intriguing: from the unadulterated cast ‘skin’ all the way to a brushed or anodized finish. For interiors and outdoors. For walls and façades.

Primal and natural—that’s the collection called native. The surfaces: Saturn, Neptune, or Pluto provide a tensely designed interplay of structures and reliefs in every shade offered. Whether in dark graphite and on to silvery bright or bordeaux-colored. Natural (matte), brushed, or anodized, native loves the metallic primalness that sets aluminum apart. No element is like any other. Make the most of the opportunities for designing offered by stylecast® native. With native, you skilfully set the scene for the natural beauty of aluminum. Metallically light. And both resistant and durable thereby.

Lava Black Saturn

Natural Shine Saturn

Graphite Grey Saturn

Light Bronze Saturn

Natural Saturn

Lava Black Neptune

Natural Shine Neptune

Graphite Grey Neptune

Light Bronze Neptune

Natural Neptune

Terra Red Neptune

Lava Black Pluto

Natural Shine Pluto

Graphite Grey Pluto

Light Bronze Pluto

Terra Bronze Pluto

Terra Red Pluto


The GLAMOUR Collection

High-grade metal in a luxury outfit.
For innovative interior design.

Glamour. Gleaming galvanized surfaces. Metallic hues and reflections revitalize the subject of aluminum in surprisingly new ways. For extravagant interpretations in interior design.

High-gloss and iridescent. In the collection called glamour, stylecast® gleams using galvanized surfaces. Aluminum has never been so unearthly lovely before. With glamour, the three surface structures Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are luxuriously put into effect. Aluminum with a special radiance. Orchestrate stylecast® glamour in the interior sector. Including fascinating metallic hues, this collection offers innovative opportunities for designing. For a glamorous and sophisticated statement exhibiting incomparable durability.

Copper Saturn

Chrome Fog Saturn

Dark Chrome Saturn

Black Fog Saturn

Chrome Saturn

Copper Neptune

Chrome Fog Neptune

Dark Chrome Neptune

Black Fog Neptune

Chrome Neptune

Copper Pluto

Chrome Fog Pluto

Dark Chrome Pluto

Black Fog Pluto

Chrome Pluto